Hell’s Kitchen Community Center



Hell’s Kitchen is a diverse community of culture and cuisine that has continued to grow economically over the course of the past two decades. This community center blends a rich culinary experience with educational and coworking spaces with the intention of furthering the integration of citizens within the neighborhood.

A cuisine nucleus

Located on the site of West 56th Street and 11th Avenue, the community center is placed in a primarily residential area. While the neighborhood has a relatively good walkability score, the site is somewhat distant from any subway station. To combat this void of inaccessibility, the community center offers the residents of Hell’s Kitchen with cultural food options, work spaces, and educational opportunities. 

A place for collaboration

By introducing a nucleus of diverse food and community work space, the neighborhood and its inhabitants are given access to form relationships that will better Hell’s Kitchen as a whole. The third floor cafe is flooded with natural light and provides various work stations for neighborhood residents to work, collaborate, and socialize.